Sunday, November 29, 2009

YouTube - The axe effect - Women - Billions

This is a commercial of a deodorant for man called "Axe".
Many different countries promote Axe and have its commercial in different languages.
This particular ad made a lot of controversy among Polish people and in America as well. In my own opinion it is a funny commercial, but it also makes me wonder how much it can influence some people. This is just another example from many commercials when they show how a particular product can make you a real man. A stereotype of good looking guy. Not necessarily too ideal, but when he uses the deodorant from Axe all the girls are his. When we watch commercials we do not really think how much effect they can make on some of us. The other trick the producers do is repeating it over and over again. When you go to a pharmacy and you are looking for some cosmetics, you see the Axe logo and automatically grabs it just, because you remember it from the commercial, and plus it reminds you of how well man was presented in it and just makes you want it. Finally you end up with buying a product even though maybe you could have got another deodorant that is cheaper and smells better.
I am just amazed how simple the commercial is and how well it works on us, people, and the society.

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