Sunday, November 29, 2009

Digital frames? Digital books? will the technology take over classical approach to studying and living?

I am just 21 years old and I am a very open minded person, new technology is changing and it mostly changes for the best. What scares me is how ridiculous it can get. What will be next? What is going to happen to all the books if they already made electronic books? What will happen to all the photography if we have digital frames now? What kind of future is there going to be for my children?
I guess everybody is learning new things, but will we be able to keep up with the whole technology?

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I think that although digital is faster does not make it better. Personally, I enjoy looking through a photo album and having thos pictures physically in my hands. They are keepsakes. And books are the same way, especially classics. Will we just throw away all of the books because we have no need for them anymore? Technology needs to take a step back and take a look at the impact of what its actions are doing.
